+971 7 222 3124


P. O. Box: 5079

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

7:45 to 14:15

(Monday to Thursday)

7:45 to 11: 30


School Discipline


  • Students must be punctual in reaching the school by 7:50 a.m.
  • It is mandatory for the students to wear ID card everyday.
  • All students must bring the school calendar everyday.
  • Movement of students from one classroom to another should be in a peaceful and orderly manner.
  • Students are not allowed to carry mobile phones or any other electronic devices to school.
  • Students who avail Private transport should leave at 2:00 p.m. through Gate 2 only.
  • Gate No.1 & Gate No. 3 are used by students availing school transport.
  • Streaking and colouring of hair is not permitted.
  • Students are not allowed to wear any flash jewellery.
  • Visitors must write the purpose of their visit/whom they want to meet in the register at Gate 1.
  • No one is allowed to collect the child early from school without a consent letter from the parent.


  1. Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the school by working side by side towards the growth and development of their children.
  2. They are requested to send their wards in proper school uniform, to be punctual at school and to be vigilant that their wards come to school with necessary books and stationery, adhere to the discipline of the school and participate in school activities.
  3. The school shall be sending, at regular intervals, messages, notices, reports – monthly and terminal, etc. through the school calendar. Parents and guardians are requested to look into these and sign them. Failure to do so may put their children under great inconvenience and render them liable to being sent home.
  4. Parents or guardians or other persons are not allowed to see their children or interview their teachers during school hours without the permission of the principal. No parent/guardian should contact the teacher directly. A monthly meeting of the parents is however held to discuss at length, the general and particular problem concerning the students.
  5. Parents and guardians are expected to be very particular to see that their children return home immediately after school hours except on days when they stay on for co-curricular activities. It may be noted that the responsibility of the authorities ceases immediately after school hours.
  6. Parents are requested not to send their children to school if they are medically unfit. If a pupil is absent due to illness for more than 3 days, the principal must be informed at once.
  7. A School Clinic is provided for treating minor injuries that may occur. In case of a more serious accident, the State Medical Authorities are contacted as speedily as possible but the school does not accept responsibility for the summoning of such Medical authorities or for any treatment given.
  8. In order to provide immediate medical attention in case of emergency, parents are requested to send a photocopy of the Health Registration card of their child.
  9. Suggestions given by the parents in a cooperative and constructive spirit are always welcome and will be given due consideration.
  10. The School Management reserves the right to admit or not to admit any child and to revise the rules and regulations at any time if considered necessary.
  11. Any changes in the residential address or telephone number may please be immediately notified to the school authorities.
  12. In the interest of your child’s safety, remember to write a leave note in the school diary addressed to the Class Teacher for his/her absence from school. (The child will not be permitted to attend classes without having submitted the note).
  13. Send a note in the school diary addressed to the Principal if your child is required to leave the school early or requires a change of bus on any day. This must be signed by the Principal early in the day.
  14. Ensure that the student is punctual to school.
  15. Take pride in sending your child smartly dressed in the prescribed school uniform.
  16. Respond promptly to all school circulars and return the signed acknowledgment slips promptly.
  17. Encourage your child to participate in all the activities of the school.
  18. Be regular at ‘Open House’ sessions and meet the teachers.
  19. Be prompt in returning the Progress Report Card, duly signed, after each ‘Open House’ session.
  20. Meet teachers only with the permission of the Principal on a normal working day.
  21. Please notify any change in residential address or telephone number to the school authorities (Supervisor and Administrative Dept) immediately.


Regular attendance is expected of all students.

  • Application for the leave of the child must be submitted to the Principal in the prescribed form and sanction must be obtained in advance before proceeding on long leave.
  • Students who apply for sick leave should submit the medical certificate on the day of rejoining.
  • During the exam days, leave will not be granted.
  • Each student is required to acquire at least 75% of attendance of the total working days to entitle his/her to appear for the final examination.
  • Condonation in deserving cases is granted only if the student’s absence is supported with the necessary documents.


  1. Parents are responsible for the safety of the child while crossing the road to reach the bus stop/home.
  2. All students using the bus are expected to be on the right side of the bus stops at least five minutes before the arrival of the bus.
  3. The bus will not wait for the latecomers.
  4. The children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
  5. No student should come near the entry door of the bus until the bus is brought to a complete stop.
  6. All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses.
  7. The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
  8. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stop only unless otherwise directed by the supervisors. The list of stops is prepared to keep in view of the convenience and safety of all commuters and is always subject to change.
  9. When the bus is in motion students must not move around in the bus. The rider must not hold any part of his/her body out through the windows.
  10. Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
  11. Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism.
  12. No student is allowed to eat on the bus.
  13. Parents of children in KG1, KG2, Grade I & II, should accompany their children to and from the bus stop.
  14. Shrieking, shouting, unruly behavior is strictly prohibited. Courteous behavior is expected at all times.
  15. The driver’s attention must not be distracted for any reason.
  16. Parents should notify the school 15 days before they move to another residence so as to make the necessary changes (within the existing routes) and the fee structure.
  17. Parents are requested to advise their wards to adhere to the instructions given by the Teacher-in-charge, Driver, Conductor and Prefects. Any act of indiscipline will be seriously viewed. Recurrence of such misbehavior will constrain the school to discontinue the facility for the student involved.
  18. Parents should inform the school office when there is a change of location or route.

Special Note: Students who are not using school transport should leave the school premises immediately after the last bell and it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of their wards.


  • Students must bring their own materials required for the examination. Borrowing or lending will not be allowed as it causes disturbance.
  • No writing Pad is allowed inside the exam room.
  • Students must be in proper school uniforms during exam days.
  • Students must submit their admit card on the first day of the exam to the class teacher. (I –VIII)
  • Strict action will be taken against the students if any malpractice is reported during the examination.



  1. Students must come on time to school. Latecomers will not be admitted to the class.
  2. Every student must possess a copy of the school Calendar which should be brought to school daily.
  3. The speaking of English is enforced in the school and within the school premises.
  4. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all. Colouring of the hair and the use of styling gel is strictly prohibited. Grooming of the hair is compulsory. Shabby uncombed hair will not be permitted. Girls are not allowed to use fancy jewellery.
  5. Every child admitted to the school must have the complete school uniform exact in colour and pattern.
  6. Running, playing, shouting inside the school building is never allowed. Perfect silence must be observed when changing classes for languages and other subjects.
  7. The students are not permitted to remain absent from school on working days. Leave is granted only in circumstances beyond control like sickness etc.
  8. If the student is late or absent, he must bring a written justification in the Absent Record/Late Coming Record in his calendar.
  9. Student must return after the holidays on the appointed day. In case of sickness for more than 3 days, the Principal must be informed and a doctor’s certificate must be produced along with the leave application.
  10. Students who have been absent from school for one month or more without permission are liable to have their names struck off from the rolls, and may not be readmitted.
  11. No student should leave the school premises except by the special permission of the principal.
  12. The school is not responsible for book, money, clothes and other articles that are lost. The pupil must look after their own possessions. It is not advisable to have money or valuable articles with them. All are advised to bring books etc. in a bag or satchel that can be securely locked.
  13. No books (other than text or library books), comics, newspapers, periodicals, cassettes, compact disc (CD) and mobile phones should be brought to the school premises without the consent of the school authorities.
  14. No presents are to be given to the teachers.
  15. Students are liable for any kind of damage done to the school premises.
  16. Any kind of damage done to the school premises has to be made good. All the students should be particularly careful not to throw paper etc. anywhere on the school premises. Baskets and Dustbins especially provided for this purpose should be used.
  17. Letters received in the school, addressed to pupils will not be delivered.
  18. All students are responsible to the school authorities for their behaviour both in and outside the school. Any reported or observed misconduct out of the school on the part of the pupils shall make them liable for disciplinary action.
  19. A student who fails consecutively twice in the same standard is liable to be asked to leave the school.
  20. Disrespect and disobedience to superiors, using abusive and obscene words, and other exhibiting habits or behaviour considered by the school authorities as not suitable to a student, will be met by dismissal.
  21. A student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will not be permitted to attend school.
  22. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience of pupil which may affect the moral tone of the school, justify dismissal.
  23. Every student should endeavour to keep up the high tone and good name of the school, by excelling in fine manners.
  24. Students misbehaving in the school will be reported to the parents and sufficient warning will be given for improvement. Even after repeated warnings, if a student continues to misbehave, he will be expelled from the school.
  25. At all times students are expected to be polite and courteous towards other students and the staff.
  26. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited on the school campus.
  27. Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.