+971 7 222 3124


P. O. Box: 5079

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

7:45 to 14:15

(Monday to Thursday)

7:45 to 11: 30


Club Activities

Indian Public High School lays great emphasis on the extra – curricular activities along with academics. The school offers a plethora of opportunities through various clubs and provides a platform for the overall development of the students. The students are encouraged to choose the clubs according to their interest. They are provided a conducive environment through various activities of the clubs to hone their skills.

1. Khalifa SAT (Science Club)
2. Health & Wellbeing Club
3. Historia (Social Science Club)
4. Eco Warriors (Eco Club)
5. Mathemagic Club
6. Literary Hub
7. Techno Hub
8. Creative Arts (Fine Arts Club) (For Girls only)
9. Altius Club-Sports (For Boys only)

Khalifa SAT (Science Club)

The main objective of this club is to introduce world’s rich scientific heritage to the youth in order to kindle scientific temperament within them and to identify and appreciate students with flair for science and technology. It helps to motivate the young generation to take up science as a career and encourage them to contribute towards UAE vision 2020. It also aims to inculcate the children with moral values in life.

Historia (Social Science Club)

Social Science Club aims to promote cultural harmony along with dedication, loyalty and discipline among the students. The club tries to extend the understanding of various cultures within school environment. Various awareness activities propagating the idea of social, political and environmental issues are conducted. Various days of national and international importance are celebrated to spread the message of peace and harmony.

Eco Warriors (Eco Club)

Knowledge and proper understanding are the primary steps of any action. The main objective of Eco Club is to promote, monitor and operate the Environmental activities for students under the guidance of Social Science teachers. The main objective is to help students to take steps for saving the environment. It helps students to develop their personal skills and leadership qualities. Students become more confident, creative and develop a sense of purpose as they are able to put their ideas into practice. Through the idea of sustainable development they learn to protect the natural resources for the future generation.

Mathemagic Club

The main aim of the Numbers club is to develop interest of the students in Mathematics and identify their hidden potential. The club helps the students in developing critical thinking. It gives importance to solve problems in creative and innovative ways thereby making it enjoyable. Various mind boggling mathematical puzzles and problems are given to hone the mathematical skills of the students.

Literary Hub

Literary Club has been the most vibrant with its activities spanning over the entire academic year of the school. The Objectives of the club are i) expose to new vocabulary ii)to enhance public speaking skills iii) to improve communication skills iv) to develop learning, speaking, reading and writing skills v) getting rid of stage fear and developing self confidence. The aim of the club is to inculcate among students a fondness for language and enhance their literary skills.It helps them groom their personalities so that they feel confident about themselves.

Techno Hub

The main objectives of the IT club are to keep the students abreast with the latest developments in IT sector apart from the regular IT syllabus. It gives them practical hands on experience and enhances their analytical and logical skills. The club helps the students to bring out the best in students and grooms individual’s capacities/potentials by providing an environment to work independently. It helps the students to be familiar with various career opportunities in the IT industry and related job profiles.

Creative Hearts (Fine Arts Club)

Art is considered not as a subject or a product, but as a part of all formal and informal life experiences. Art is a vital aspect of all learning, essential to growth, a valuable means to an enriched awareness of the world and a greater ability to express one’s individuality. The goal of art education is to bring out the creative, expressive and aesthetic potential of each child. It also accentuates attitude, thinking and discipline necessary for excelling in life. The Art department encourages responsiveness to new ideas and respect for individual differences by fostering self-esteem, respect for others as well as their work, cultures and art.

Altius (Sports Club)

‘Healthy mind resides in a healthy body’, Keeping this in mind, Sports Club emphasizes on physical fitness. Students are trained for different sports according to their interest. They are encouraged to develop the capacity to make reasoned decisions about sport issues and to work effectively within a group toward common goals. The importance of team spirit, discipline and leadership qualities are fostered among the students.